If as a Christian you are still arguing for a little alcohol, you need help
In the Old Testament kings and priests were not to take alcohol; others could do.
For those who were allowed to take alcohol in the Old Testament they were not to take it excessively. That was in the Old Testament. However, even in the Old
Testament, priests and kings were not to take alcohol (Prov. 31:4).
In the New Testament, Jesus made all Christians ‘kings and priests’ (Rev. 1:6). So,
the way kings and priests were not to take alcohol in the Old Testament, the same
way it applies in the New Testament. The difference is that in the Old Testament
not everyone was a priest or king, but in the New Testament, Christ has made us kings and priests. So, it is no longer about taking a little alcohol, it is all about not
taking any alcohol.
The argument by people is that it is not written literary in the Bible that drinking
alcohol is not acceptable. These people follow the letter (logos) of the word but the
letter killeth (2 Cor. 3:6). Between the letters lie deep and eternal truths. Don’t read
the Bible from the surface; be opened to truths which the Spirit reveals. It may not support what you always knew or strongly held to, but it will help you live pleasing
to God.

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